Conversational Interfaces_


Facilitating human to computer communication

With natural language processing and the ability for AI technologies to disseminate through dense information, identify relevant connections, and present those findings back in milliseconds, we can facilitate conversation around any topic in a variety of ways, redefining how we can engage and interact with our audience.
Conversational Commerce
We no longer have to craft directional flows into our customer interactions with conversational AI. Getting your user to the right products or services can be a simple comversation. Through conversation, far deeper context can also be oulled out of the user to augment any existing data to help inform the conversation. The result is a faster discovery and more intelligent ways to upsell.
Customer Experience
With proprietary data and information fed into an information extraction platform, like Younite-AI's ASKR, we can easily craft dialogue based systems that provide far more intuitive ways to engage with an existing customers base. Rather than owners manuals, brochures, and dense informational websites for users to wade through, we can now surface any information based on a simple query, be it in the form of a text entry, or speech.
Add more as needed
Keep this short and sweet and to the point highlighting the benefits of (what to us) is a no brainer usage of generative AI

Application of Conversational Interfaces_

We've found that wherever users need to be guided through any complex decision there's an opportunity for conversation to make the process ultimately more beneficial.



Lorem ipsum dolor hint and highlights of where generative AI is applicable to this industry.



Lorem ipsum dolor hint and highlights of where generative AI is applicable to this industry.


Industry Sector 3_

Lorem ipsum dolor hint and highlights of where generative AI is applicable to this industry.


Industry Sector 4_

Lorem ipsum dolor hint and highlights of where generative AI is applicable to this industry.

Select Clients_


Ready talk to a human?_

Antti Lähtevänoja

Business Development Lead, AI Products • Helsinki

Get in touch_

860 Broadway
6th Floor
New York
NY 10003

Aleksanterinkatu 17

Kirkkokatu 13

What’s Your Problem

We don’t mean to be aggressive. We’re just enthusiastic about solving problems. Challenges fuel us.

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