How can freelancers and remote teams effectively stay on top of task tracking to better manage and plan projects?
For almost anybody, time is key to efficient billing and effective scoping of work. We found that current time recording systems frustrating, and simply don't tackle the inherent problem of accuracy. The many solutions we tried touted great technology to help tracking, but didn’t tackle the root of the problem, an inability for constantly shifting workers to effectively recall what they have done, and when.
By representing the active day as blocks of time or a timeline, we made it easy to assess your progress on projects and tasks in whatever way makes the most sense. As you log time your view builds up resulting in an accurate representation of your day, as it happened.
Any activity a user wants to track a project within the iworkie app is customizable in a variety of ways. Users can set their options from the name to the color of each individual project.
When a project is completed, it's simply archived, keeping the data for reference while removing it from active project choices.
Everybody's work needs are unique, and their working day is different. As a result, we allow the iworkie user the ability to set their own working hours for the app to alert you to log between, as well as how frequently they will be alerted. Additionally, hourly rates to be applied to time logged to generate a projected income.
With iworkie, we eliminated the need to trawl back through emails or calendars to try and see what you did on a particular day. The recorded activity is always accessible through a calendar allowing users to dig into their activity, and more accurately trackback day-by-day and review where time was spent.
We don’t mean to be aggressive. We’re just enthusiastic about solving problems. Challenges fuel us.
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